Finger Loop Braiding
Timothy of Sherwood will be teaching at his merchant table intermittently throughout the day.
This kind of braid produces a cord of yarn in whatever colors one desires. Said product works for bracelets, necklaces and/or cordage for whatever one would normally use cordage for.
Cooking Over an Open Fire
Nest verch Tangwistel
A discussion of multiple different ways to sear your food over an open fire. I will be starting the fire at about 9:30, if anyone wants to get signed off for fires starting.
Intro to Blackwork
Elaine Howys of Morningthorpe
Learn how to do basic blackwork embroidery. Double Running stitch, and how reversible stitches are done will be taught.
Bobbin Lace
Nest verch Tangwistel
2 hour class. At the end of the class, you will have learned how to do braids, windmill crossovers, and made a piece of period style lace. I have pieces of closed cell foam you can use for pillows, and bobbins you can either borrow or buy for $1/ bobbin.
Calligraphy by Brennan
Intro to Cross Stitch
Theo of Stonemarche
Cross-stitch is a fun and relatively simple embroidery technique with applications in many times and places. Whether you’ve never held a needle before or are looking for sources for your next Period Competency, you are invited to join Theo of Stonemarche for an hour long hands-on class. All ages welcome, you are encouraged to bring snips if you have them.
Not so Tricky Trichinopoly
Volva-Kadlin Knutr
Step back in time and discover the ancient art of Viking wire weaving, a technique that has been passed down through centuries. In this hands-on class, you’ll learn how to create intricate, beautiful designs using simple wire weaving methods that the Vikings employed for both practical and ornamental purposes.
Luttrell Psalter
Saerlaith ingen Chennetig aka Aunty Clodagh
Come talk about the history of the Luttrell and watch a video. Everyone gets a chance to look through my Luttrell facsimiles.
Forester Meeting
Anyone interested in learning more about the Foresters guild in the East Kingdom is welcome to attend